

Details, Details

Details, Details

Posted by Linda for It's Cactus on Jan 12th 2022

It's All In The DetailsWhat speaks to you when you look at art? Is it the medium? Is it the design? Is it shape or.... Take for example t
Soup Joumou- Haiti's Independence Day

Soup Joumou- Haiti's Independence Day

Posted by Casey & Maggie for It's Cactus on Jan 6th 2022

New Year & Independence Day in Haiti- Soup JoumouAround the world, many celebrated New Year on January 1st and Haiti was not the exception!
Reading T-Shirt

Reading T-Shirt

Posted by Linda for It's Cactus on Dec 20th 2021

Reading T-ShirtsWell into our third day in Haiti, while I was supposed to be looking for new product for the winter wholesale and retail sho
2021 Gift Guide

2021 Gift Guide

Posted by Maggie for It's Cactus on Dec 10th 2021

2021 GIFT GUIDEWhatever the reason and whichever the season, gifts are always a good idea! They don’t have to be big or extravagant (alth
Season of Giving

Season of Giving

Posted by Linda For It's Cactus on Dec 1st 2021

It's The Season of GivingIt is the Season of Giving. What an opportunity to do good! Truly, it is a wonderful opportunity – one that anyone